Friday, December 23, 2005

10 Weighty Words

Misanthropy: Hatred or mistrust of humankind

Laconic: Using or marked by the use of few words; terse or concise.

Epoch: a) A particular period of history, especially one considered remarkable or noteworthy.
b) A notable event that marks the beginning of such a period.

Pernicious: Causing great harm; destructive.

Profligacy: Recklessly wasteful; wildly extravagant

Corollary: 1. A proposition that follows with little or no proof required from one already proven. 2. A deduction or an inference. 3. A natural consequence or effect; a result.

Dilettante: A dabbler in an art or a field of knowledge.

Obfuscate: To make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand

Erstwhile: In the past; at a former time; formerly.

Apogogic: Proving indirectly, by showing the absurdity, or impossibility of the contrary.


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