Monday, February 13, 2006

9/11 Movie

I don't really see the point of this. The real event was movie-like in it's scale and magnitude and I don't see how this can outdo it. Also, no one wants to relive 9/11 on an emotional level even if the movie, predictably, plays out themes of poignancy, loss and patriotism. Also, as a dramatic story, it really doesn't have much of an arc. One day, we woke up and were hit by terrorists. People died and we were all horrified. End of story.

Finally, there's something a little smug about overdoing the remembrance of a human tragedy. It implies that we value our own suffering above anyone else's and that our lives are worth more than anyone else's. Though accusations of anti-semitisim will doubtless fly, I feel the same way about the holocaust: a tragic event that's being milked for all kinds of reasons that don't have a whole lot to do with honouring the dead. Plus, while some people see 9/11 as a painful chapter in US history, I see it as a painful chapter in human history. Finally, sadness can't be perpetuated for too long before it becomes artificial and this might be what is happening here.

And for those who say it's important to keep reminding ourselves of it, so it doesn't happen again..who are we kidding? People never learn and needless waste of life will take place as long as we live on earth. From the sacking of Mohenjo Daro to the annihilation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the atrocities in Bosnia.

And yes, even 9/11. So just let it go.


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