And the answers fall easier from the barrel of a gun As they do from the lips of the beautiful and the dumb The world won't end in darkness it'll end in family fun with Coca Cola clouds behind a Big Mac sun
posted by Basil Epicurus at 11:30 AM
Friends of mine got a box of the Black condoms on their last trip to
Does that say, "We are all brack people?"
Yes, it does, along with Fight the Power and Keep it Real. Its apparently a very famous bland (sorry, brand) in Japan.
asian people...well, whaddaya know.
is that a phone sex condom?
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Friends of mine got a box of the Black condoms on their last trip to Japan.
Does that say, "We are all brack people?"
Yes, it does, along with Fight the Power and Keep it Real. Its apparently a very famous bland (sorry, brand) in Japan.
asian people...well, whaddaya know.
is that a phone sex condom?
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