Porn Pizza is Worth the Money (shot)
My life is complete..what I love about this is when you order one of these, your neighbours will know EXACTLY what you're up to. I hope they're taking this further (I was going to say all the way, but thought better of it) and hire delivery guys with wispy mustaches and unbuttoned shirts.

Winnipeg pizza place serves up side of porn
It's only about a week old, but a new pizza place in Winnipeg has already aroused attention — not for its pizza pie, but for the racy extra that comes with it.
Patrons must be 18 years and older to order from Porno Pizza, which delivers pornographic material inserted under every pizza.
Sign atop cars delivering for Porno Pizza in Winnipeg, which delivers racy pictures in every pizza box.
The venture, the brainchild of local entrepreneur Corey Wildeman, is raising eyebrows in the Manitoba capital.
"We cater to certain crowds," Wildeman told CBC News, adding that he realizes not everyone would be sold on the idea.
"I'm pleased to see that it might not be everybody, but it's most people," he said with a laugh.
Wildeman said the idea of including pornographic photos with pizza is a marketing gimmick designed to sell more pies. And the gimmick is legal: customers even have to show identification to the delivery person at the door, proving they are 18 or older.
"They have to make sure they're selling to someone who's of age," lawyer Ian Berger said. "But other than that, get a little something extra with your pizza — there's nothing wrong with that."
While Porno Pizza crosses no legal boundaries, it tested some people's social borders, with some titillated by the concept … and others, not so much.
One woman told CBC News that the woman depicted in the Porno Pizza insert was "too naked," while another said porn is "something I wouldn't expect to have anything to do with pizza."
But surprisingly, Wildeman said, many of his customers are women.
"So I'm pretty pleased to see that a demographic that some people might think that we're offending is actually a lot more open to the concept than society would think," he said.
Wildeman said if enough people are turned on to the Porno Pizza concept, he has the naming rights for what could be a national franchise.

Winnipeg pizza place serves up side of porn
It's only about a week old, but a new pizza place in Winnipeg has already aroused attention — not for its pizza pie, but for the racy extra that comes with it.
Patrons must be 18 years and older to order from Porno Pizza, which delivers pornographic material inserted under every pizza.
Sign atop cars delivering for Porno Pizza in Winnipeg, which delivers racy pictures in every pizza box.
The venture, the brainchild of local entrepreneur Corey Wildeman, is raising eyebrows in the Manitoba capital.
"We cater to certain crowds," Wildeman told CBC News, adding that he realizes not everyone would be sold on the idea.
"I'm pleased to see that it might not be everybody, but it's most people," he said with a laugh.
Wildeman said the idea of including pornographic photos with pizza is a marketing gimmick designed to sell more pies. And the gimmick is legal: customers even have to show identification to the delivery person at the door, proving they are 18 or older.
"They have to make sure they're selling to someone who's of age," lawyer Ian Berger said. "But other than that, get a little something extra with your pizza — there's nothing wrong with that."
While Porno Pizza crosses no legal boundaries, it tested some people's social borders, with some titillated by the concept … and others, not so much.
One woman told CBC News that the woman depicted in the Porno Pizza insert was "too naked," while another said porn is "something I wouldn't expect to have anything to do with pizza."
But surprisingly, Wildeman said, many of his customers are women.
"So I'm pretty pleased to see that a demographic that some people might think that we're offending is actually a lot more open to the concept than society would think," he said.
Wildeman said if enough people are turned on to the Porno Pizza concept, he has the naming rights for what could be a national franchise.
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