Friday, October 21, 2005

Conspiracy theory regarding HIV/ AIDS

Now, I don't subscribe to this theory, I just think it's interesting, that's all. There seems to be a conspiracy theory for everything and while most are outrageous, some are plausible (for example, everyone knows the moon landings never happened, that it was all government propoganda and that they were staged in Arizona).

My problem with most conspiracy theories is that they tend to be a little elaborate where a simple explanation would have done. Occam's Razor says it best: "One should make no more assumptions than needed. Given two equally predictive theories, choose the simpler one." And I know better than to mess with Occam, especially when he's holding a razor.

"If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There is no such document."

-Dr. Kary Mullis, Biochemist, 1993 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

"Up to today there is actually no single scientifically really convincing evidence for the existence of HIV. Not even once such a retrovirus has been isolated and purified by the methods of classical virology."

-Dr. Heinz Ludwig Sänger, Emeritus Professor of Molecular Biology and Virology, Max-Planck-Institutes for Biochemy, München.


Blogger Forsoothsayer said...

i also read about a theory that proposed that aids was developed by the american govt as an experimental biological weapon and tested it out on the gays of manhattan to further stigmatize homosexuality and because they were more "dispensable".

6:17 PM  

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