Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Fire and Brimstone

Perusing Jack Chick's site, I was reminded of all the things I hate about organized religion: the guilt it instills, the fear it exports, the intolerance it encourages and it's steadfast refusal to inspire. But the thing I hate the most is the superiority and righteous tone of whichever man or woman has taken it upon him or herself to explain to me the error of my ways. My problem with them is not their absolute conviction that I am a sinner (I know I haven't been very good) rather their absolute conviction that they are not. It is a lack of humility that speaks against everything they claim to stand for.

I've always maintained that religion is a private thing between woman or man and her or his God. I don't see how it can work any other way without becoming as political (and hence corrupt) and status/ agenda driven as anything we have on this earth. While I am afraid of what's going to happen to me when I die, I'm also afraid of accepting things I simply don't believe in in order to save myself. Because religion is supposed to be about truth and if the messengers think they're entitled to exaggerate or do whatever it takes to "win you over", that's not an example of showcasing the truth.

Also, check out his FAQs on Islam.


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