Xbox 360 experiencing 'fake' shortages
"To ensure an immediate "sellout" of the Xbox 360 on launch day (therefore getting lots of media buzz about their new console), Microsoft will simply restrict the supply down to a trickle. My favorite part of the article that quotes this source: "In addition to limiting the per-store stock of consoles and having the retailers prepare to prominently note the unit's "sold out" status, Microsoft has allegedly asked Norwegian retailers to sign an agreement that they'll 'sell' out of the consoles on the launch date."
THIS is what I hate about marketing. They're trying to make something unproven (and unreleased) appear "cool" and exclusive. Used to be that something earned that cool status. Now, the very word has become diluted and commercialized.
So what's the new word for "cool"? Five years ago, I would have said "cult", but even that has been glitzed by the soul-sucking marketers. Any suggestions.
It just occurred to me that I work in advertising. I, too, have no soul.
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