7 Reasons why exhibitionism rocks

I don't know why, but this blog makes me smile and harbour a seedling of hope. I mean, its a pair of exhibitionists posting dirty pictures of themselves...but there's mad romance in that. First, they're married. Second, they're in their forties. Third, they seem blissfully unaware (or they couldn't care less) of how they come across. Fourth, they think people should see them doing it! Fifth, she calls him 'Midwestern City Boy' and he calls her 'California Girl'. Sixth, consider this utterly charming bio:
About Us:
The life and times of a happily married couple in Ohio. We are 43 years old and like sex, computer games and the Internet. We have two kids, a son, 16, and a daughter, 14.
What else do you fucking need????
Lastly, anyone who has sex this many times (based on the sheer number of pictures and updates) with no signs of abating (or straying, I might add), deserve a mention on my blog. The exposure alone (never a happy choice of words with public fornicators) on my blog should ensure they get the visibility (here we go again) they deserve.
Don't rush their site all at once. Ramblefish is built to handle the millions who visit..not all blogs are as lucky.
Click on the picture to visit but note: Definitely NOT safe for work! The faces are blurred and the pictures are medium shots, but there's no doubt what they're up to. At least, that's what I think they're up to...its been a while.
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