Thursday, June 15, 2006

Godless: the inability to recognize truth (regardless of who said it)

I'm a big fan of Anne Coulter and while I disagree with her motives to discredit the Jersey widows (they're against the war in Iraq), I happen to agree with her whole-heartedly about how a lot of the 9/11 families have milked this tragic event beyond the point of all decency.

I understand two things about Anne Coulter:

-She's using this attack to discredit the widows and, by extension, all liberals. This isn't right but the truth about these women and a lot of the 9/11 families is they've reveled in their 9/11 victim status and no matter what you think of their politics, it's been an unseemly feature of the American public landscape for a few years now. My point is, the truth CAN come out of the mouths of vicious harpies like Coulter.

-Anne, and I'm surprised the liberals have never been able to figure this out, is a shameless button-pusher. A sensationalist, dramatic, prone-to-hyperbole, never-saw-a-grandiose-gesture-of-disdain-she didn't like, old attention-whore. But her biggest assset is that she's got wit. She's entertaining but pretends not to be, because it's funnier at making liberals turn purple. In a sense, she's tapped into another truism about liberals, which turn them into blustering idiots in her presence: that they don't have a sense of humor, especially about themselves. Of course, it's hard to, when you're walking around with a superiority complex about your motives and such uncompromising disdain for all others. I should know because I am one.

Let's face it, she's a Gorgon and the liberals just can't look away. And yet if they did, her powers would wane proportionately. So either they need to look away or, and here's a novel idea, why not battle wit with even more wit? We need a serious Stephen Colbert to step up, please.


Blogger Forsoothsayer said...

u think stephen colbert is witty?! please.
i don't understand how you characterize september 11 widows as liberals. if anything, they're hardline "let's blow those fuckers up" people.

6:01 PM  
Blogger Basil Epicurus said...

You're right, Colbert has more of a satirical, deadpan kind of humor. Poor choice of words.

Most 9/11 families are conservative "let's blow them up" folk, but the New Jersey four voted for Kerry. Regardless of their politics, Coulter nailed it by saying it's become an industry that's peddled to the world by the "grief-arazzi". They're spotlight hogs like everybody else.

6:14 PM  

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