Saturday, January 13, 2007

Low man on the totem pole

My brand decided that it would be beneficial for the creative team, particularly the copywriters, to accompany different members of the sales team on their different routes. Getting closer to the brand is always a good thing and I have no qualms with that. It's only when the schedule and the different routes were assigned that I became aware that yours truly had perhaps, unknowingly, drawn the short end of a stick that pertains to who gets to travel furthest away from their home.

I'm sure it's a coincidence that Susan lives in New Jersey, Alix lives in Connecticut and Jack lives in New York. That said, I think being assigned to the Northern Delaware route is perhaps a case of the 'let's give the two-days-in-the-boonies excursion to the Egyptian guy'. Of course, I plan to cause no ripples and make no waves, instead preferring to suffer in silence and seethe in the broth of my own resentment. I've excelled at that, lately.

Can't wait for my next sales tag and I'm already curious about where it's going to be. New Mexico? Nova Scotia? Christmas Island?

Only if flights to Falluja are suspended that day.


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