Sunday, April 16, 2006

I hate reality TV (or so I thought)

I've always derided reality TV and been damn proud that I don't have to pretend I don't enjoy it. I mean, not only does it bore me silly but I also cringe at the collection of humanity's worst representatives at their absolute worst behavior hamming it up for the camera. What is the appeal?

So you can imagine my shock when I recently became hooked to three reality shows that I'm absolutely captivated by. The difference is that none of them are American. I'm talking about BBC America and shows like 'Cash in the Attic' and 'What Not to Wear' and 'Big Brother'. Why is that, I hear you ask, that a chap as bright as you would suddenly capitulate before this epidemic of negative intellect, wrapped in a British flag while resisting the alleged charm of it's American counterpart? I have a few theories:

1. Drama. I hate it and the Brits don't do it. Americans, on the other hand, fucking love drama.
2. The Brits celebrate intelligence and wit while Americans love cartoon villains and obnoxious-ness...ness.
3. Self-deprecation. 'Nuff said? Americans think that kind of humor indicates low self-esteem.
4. I'm an anglophile. Deal with it.
5. Nobody tries to make you feel good...or bad, even. Nuance is something American culture just doesn't seem ready to embrace.

Am I wrong, people? Can I get a what-what?


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